Tuesday, July 13, 2010

in the thick of it...

june, july, august...these are the 'peak' money generating months for the mag overlords...they are not concerned about the heat...they are not concerned about the 12 hour workdays...they are not concerned that agents may not feel well...they are not concerned with their 'personal problems'...they are ONLY concerned with how much you got on that last drop...PERIOD...as agents climb into the anonymous fleet of passenger vans...what they think will not matter one whit...and if they aren't waiting on the corner at the right time and place with a good drop...they are immediately relegated to the abysmal depths of worthless producers...until they 'change it up...magcrews are...by the very legal definition...not allowed to direct, order, place, fine, or schedule hours or workdays for any independent salesperson...it is illegal...but they do it every day...for decades...and those kids...are in the thick of it...